I’ve got a hundred channels on the TV in my hotel room (mostly movies in Hindi, Kannada, etc), but nothing that carries Battlestar Galactica.  Sigh.  I can’t even get it over the internet; Space doesn’t stream outside Canada.  I’m not sure if it would work even if I could get it… my internet connection is limited to only 256 kbps and drops every so often.

Only in Canada

I guess I’ll have to wait until I get back before I can see Gaeta and Zarek get what’s coming to them.

I wonder if there’s a “Bollywood-star Galactica” I could watch instead?

8 Responses to “No BSG!”

  1. Brian says:

    I always get my episodes with a bittorrent client. I prefer to watch the episodes without commercials.

  2. Joe says:

    I prefered the name “Bali-star Galactica”, Bollywood-star has too many syllables. :-) Anyway. No Spoilers, I promise but you missed a good one this week Gord. And next week’s looks like it will also be a good one.

    The thing with torrents is some ISPs block them or severely limit the rates on them.

  3. Chris says:

    Need me to setup a proxy for you? ;-)

  4. Gord says:

    Unfortunately I only have 256 kbps here, and even that seems to be throttled if I put too much through it, so I’m afraid I’m stuck until I get back home. Warm weather and Indian food vs snow and BSG… it’s a tough call… ;-)

  5. Gord says:

    Looks like I get to see BSG after all. Woo-hoo! :-)

  6. Brian says:

    How are you managing that?

    BTW, Joe you were right. I just watched last week’s episode and thought it was a good one.

  7. Fred says:

    Ehh, you’re not missing much. It seems like they’ve got about an hour’s worth of good drama left with this concept, but to fill out a whole 10 episodes they have to pad it with a lot of dross and drivel. All this has happened before. My gods, does it have to happen again???

    That said, I’m still slavishly drawn to it like a moth to a flame…

  8. Fred says:

    OK, I take that back. Things started getting interesting last night.