Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1898-1906

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Birth records (1904)

Page 95 of dataset 1149_11
11904.01.18Rozdziele6Justina TelepCatholicfemaleJoannes TelepAnna Zynsky
21904.06.01Rozdziele6Parascevia TelepCatholicfemaleJoannes TelepAnna ZynskyBirth record is out of temporal sequence.
31904.01.19Rozdziele92Joannes PyrzCatholicmaleDemetrius PyrzJustina Tylawski
41904.01.21Rozdziele17Basilius DraganCatholicmaleMathias DraganAnna Tylawski
51904.01.23Rozdziele48Basilius TelepCatholicmaleMichael TelepAnastasia Bubniak
61904.01.26Rozdziele102Stratonicus KocurCatholicmaleIllegitimate? ?Barbara Kocur
71904.03.01Rozdziele76Theodorus TylawskiCatholicmaleDaniel TylawskiMaria Telep
81904.03.12Rozdziele107Joannes TylawskiCatholicmaleThomas TylawskiHelena Chwała
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