Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1784-1836

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Birth records (1793–1794)

Page 63 of dataset 142_6924
11793.08.06Pstrążne31Maria KozakCatholicfemaleMathias KozakAnna Lizak
21793.08.30Pstrążne4Andreas GuzyCatholicmaleJacobus GuzyMaria Kopcza
31793.10.27Pstrążne21Parascevia KozakCatholicfemaleDaniel KozakAnna Bodakyear 1794 starts with this record but this appears to be a scribal error. It should start one row below.
41794.05.07Pstrążne20Maria SzpakCatholicfemaleIllegitimate? ?Euphimia Szpak
51794.05.20Pstrążne5Jacobus ProkopikCatholicmaleJacobus ProkopikMaria Kopcza
61794.08.01Pstrążne8Elias StaszczakCatholicmaleProcopius StaszczakMaria ZielemThere must be two Maria Zielems who are sisters who are married to brothers.
71794.02.20Pstrążne19Basilius StaszczakCatholicmaleBasilius StaszczakMaria ZielemThere must be two Maria Zielems who are sisters who are married to brothers.
81794.03.15Pstrążne23Eva MuriankaCatholicfemalePetrus MuriankaPraxedis Kozak
91794.03.16Pstrążne22Anastasia SzpakCatholicfemaleIllegitimate? ?Anna Szpak
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