Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1837-1859

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Birth records (1852–1853)

Page 360 of dataset 142_6925
11852.02.08Wapienne2Maria PyrzCatholicfemaleBasilius PyrzEva Sembrat
21852.05.03Wapienne4Stephanus BodakCatholicmalePetrus BodakJulia Polanski
31852.06.16Wapienne47Maria FrinckoCatholicfemaleBasilius FrinckoRosalia Pyrz
41852.07.15Wapienne35Maria PyrzCatholicfemaleStephanus PyrzRosalia Borsuk
51852.09.26Wapienne13Joannes PrystaszCatholicmaleMichael PrystaszJustina Hanas
61852.11.26Wapienne32Maria SzopaCatholicfemaleAndreas SzopaTatianna Borsuk
71853.01.29Wapienne6Stephanus PyrzCatholicmaleTheodorus PyrzJustina Tylawski
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