Nicetha Frenczko

SNUM: 11272

Birth date: 1902.07.07

Baptism date: 1902.07.07

Birth place: Rozdziele

Birth house: 41

Death date: 1902.06.17

Death place: Rozdziele

Death house: 41

Death cause: Naturalis

Death age: 10d

Also known as

Nicethas Frenczko


Father: Michael Frenczko

Mother: Justina Kaczor

Nicetha Frenczko [11272]
1902 - 1902 


Notes on birth record:
+ 17/6 902

The death annotation on the birth record clearly reads 17/6, and the month on the death record is smudged and could be June or July. However, to place the death on June 17 would put the death record out of temporal sequence, so the annotation on the birth record is probably a mistake.

House affiliations:

190241RozdzieleNewborn baby
Ranks, occupations, titles:
YearConditionLink to record