Simeon Młynar

SNUM: 6097

Birth date: 1876.12.23

Baptism date: 1876.12.23

Birth place: Męcina Wielka

Birth house: 29

Death date: 1877.06.15

Death place: Męcina Wielka

Death house: 29

Death cause: naturalis

Death age: 3m


Father: Stephanus Młynar

Mother: Martha Pyrz

Simeon Młynar [6097]
1876 - 1877 


Notes on birth record:
+ 16/6 877

His death records says he died April 15, but the annotation on his birth record says 15/6 or June 15. It appears that the annotation overwrites a previous annotation in lighter ink, which may be 15/4.

House affiliations:

187629Męcina WielkaNewborn baby
187729Męcina WielkaDeceased