SNUM: 6111
Birth date: 1877.09.18
Baptism date: 1877.09.18
Birth place: Męcina Wielka
Birth house: 12
Death date: 1878.12.10
Death place: Męcina Wielka
Death house: 12
Death cause: variola
Death age: 1
Father: Stephanus Kret
Mother: Rosalia Słymak
Birth: 60_1149_0_-_4_55_37656135.05
Birth: 60_1149_0_-_8_57_37656362.08
Death: 60_1149_0_-_8_75_37656382.09
Notes on birth record:
+ 10/12 878
House number is 12 on the original birth record, but 14 on the copy.
House affiliations:
Year | House | Village | Role |
1877 | 12 | Męcina Wielka | Newborn baby |
1877 | 14 | Męcina Wielka | Newborn baby |
1878 | 12 | Męcina Wielka | Deceased |