Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1898-1906

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Birth records (1900)

Page 36 of dataset 1149_11
11900.02.06Rozdziele69Joachimus GabowskiCatholicmaleTheodorus GabowskiMaria Borsuk
21900.02.13Rozdziele124Joachimus DedaCatholicmaleIllegitimate? ?Theodora Deda
31900.02.12Rozdziele115Onuphrius SiwakCatholicmaleIllegitimate? ?Anna SiwakThe data in the *mother* column is difficult to understand. The child’s mother appears to be Anna, his maternal grandmother is Maria, and Maria’s parents are Andreas and Catharina Siwak from Lipinki.
41900.02.24Rozdziele82? PopiwczakCatholicfemaleJoannes PopiwczakEuphemia Dragan
51900.03.10Rozdziele11Basilius NowakCatholicmaleJoannes NowakAnastasia Tylawski
61900.04.13Rozdziele22Justina FrenczkoCatholicfemaleAndreas FrenczkoAnastasia Borsuk
71900.04.14Rozdziele103Michael BubniakCatholicmaleBasilius BubniakEudocia Rusyniak
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