Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1839-1878

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Birth records (1873)

Page 47 of dataset 1149_4
11873.02.25Męcina Wielka21Johanna SmakułaCatholicfemaleSylvester SmakułaRosalia ZagorskiThe paternal grandmother’s surname is given in other records as Prybyło, not Kret. This is likely a mistake as the maternal grandmother’s name *is* Kret.
21873.03.27Męcina Wielka92Theodorus BorykCatholicmaleStephanus BorykRosalia Kret
31873.05.23Męcina Wielka65Simeon JuszczakCatholicmaleStephanus JuszczakAnna Szloch
41873.06.04Męcina Wielka89Stephanus JuszczakCatholicmaleJoannes JuszczakThecla Szyron
51873.06.09Męcina Wielka69Anna ZagorskiCatholicfemaleSimeon ZagorskiAnastasia Belczyk
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