Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1881-1889

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Birth records (1888)

Page 86 of dataset 1149_9
11888.09.19Rozdziele6Zacharias TelepCatholicmaleJoannes TelepAnastasia Holuta
21888.10.18Rozdziele33Josephus GrabaniaCatholicmaleHerasimus GrabaniaAnna SmakułaEmigrated to Charleroi, PA, USA in 1904. Married Eva Prusak. Died 1972.
31888.11.25Rozdziele72Michael LyzakCatholicmaleGregorius LyzakAnna Grabanik
41888.11.30Rozdziele44Gregorius TelepCatholicmalePetrus TelepPelagia Zagorski
51888.12.23Rozdziele33Anna GrabaniaCatholicfemaleBasilius GrabaniaMaria Dragan
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