Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1881-1889

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Birth records (1888)

Page 80 of dataset 1149_9
11888.08.16Męcina Wielka81Anna ?CatholicfemaleDamian PyrzMaria Pyrz
21888.09.16Męcina Wielka17Teodora ?CatholicfemaleStephanus SmakułaAnna Dragan
31888.09.17Męcina Wielka59Maria ?CatholicfemaleAthanasius KaczmarczykJustina Kaczmarczyk
41888.10.03Męcina Wielka75Gregorius ?CatholicfemaleJoannes ZełemMaria CiepłykMarked female on the birth record, probably in error. Also, paternal grandmother is named *Mathias* Zagorski. Not sure what this is an error for. Maria?
51888.11.07Męcina Wielka75Parascevia ?CatholicfemaleAndreas ZełemAnna Smakuła
61888.11.16Męcina Wielka3Anastasia ?CatholicfemaleAthanasius JuszczakMaria Kret
71888.11.21Męcina Wielka26Stephanida ?CatholicfemaleMichael SzewczykEva Borsuk
81888.12.11Męcina Wielka80Andreas ?CatholicmalePetrus GrabaniaThecla Chomik
91888.12.19Męcina Wielka94Berbara ?CatholicfemaleIllegitimate? ?Justina Warcholyk
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