Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1784-1836

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Birth records (1835)

Page 344 of dataset 142_6924
11835.05.03Męcina Wielka80Maria ChomikCatholicfemaleElias ChomikAquilina Murianka
21835.05.11Męcina Wielka28Jeremias ZagorskiCatholicmaleJoannes ZagorskiMaria ZielemHis paternal grandmother is given as 'Anna Grabania from Rozdziele', but this has to be a mistake. Anna Grabania [156] was his father's first wife and she died in 1833. The maternal grandmother of his siblings is elsewhere given as Anastasia Wanca, and this is taken as correct.
31835.05.22Męcina Wielka8Simeon GomaCatholicmaleIllegitimateThomas GomaSophia Sywak
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