Metrical Records for the Greek Catholic Parish of Męcina Wielka, 1837-1859

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Birth records (1853–1854)

Page 382 of dataset 142_6925
11853.02.16Pstrążne28Joannes MuriankaCatholicmaleJosephus MuriankaMaria Kozak
21853.12.04Pstrążne17Andreas TchorikCatholicmaleDaniel TchorikRosalia Warcholik
31854.02.09Pstrążne14Ignatius SzopaCatholicmaleIllegitimateNicolaus SzopaRosalia Kopcza
41854.03.22Pstrążne1Basilius KołtkoCatholicmaleMichael KołtkoEuximia Kozak
51854.03.26Pstrążne28Jacobus MuriankaCatholicmaleJosephus MuriankaMaria Kozak
61854.04.02Pstrążne18Maria ChimlakCatholicfemaleFranciscus ChimlakAnastasia Kopcza
71854.05.25Pstrążne20Simeon SmarzCatholicmalePhilippus SmarzRosalia Szopa
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