Josephus Bubniak

SNUM: 8230

Birth date: 1875.04.21

Baptism date: 1875.04.21

Birth place: Rozdziele

Birth house: 54

Death date: 1947.05.28

Death place: Royal Columbian Hospital, New Westminster, British Columbia

Death cause: Myocarditis (6 days); Influenzal Bronchitis (10 days); Had Coronary Thrombosis 1 year ago.


Father: Michael Bubniak [3696] (1851 - 1876)

Mother: Maria Bubniak [4075] (1852 - 1920)


Julianna Świder [7634] (1881 - 1949) 1899


Michael Bublick (1904 - 1979)

Mayre Coulson (1905 - 1961)

Anne Eve Alexander (1909 - 1989)

Kathleen (Kay or Kae) Bublick (1913 - 1970)


Michael Bubniak [8327] (1877 - 1918)

Demetrius Telep [7722] (1882 - 1978)

Anna Telep [7897] (1885 - 1892)

Pantelemon Telep [7716] (1887 - 1888)

Lucas Telep [10452] (1890 - 1890)

Stephanus Telep [4083] (1891 - ?)

Primary records 

Birth: 60_1149_0_-_8_37_37656340.02

Other records and links

1906 Census 1906 Northwest Canada Census for the Joseph Bublik household

Headstone memorial Joe Bublick's grave

Death registration for Joseph Bublick Royal British Columbia Archives (NB date of birth is incorrect)

Josephus Bubniak [8230]
1875 - 1947 

1 spouse


House affiliations:

187554RozdzieleNewborn baby