Catalog of Galician Metrical Records

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12 names found

Name SNUM Date Record Type Role Village House Metrical record
Maria Chomik1890.09.23BirthNewborn's motherMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_10_8_37655487.10
Petrus Zagorski1890.09.23BirthNewborn's fatherMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_10_8_37655487.10
Theodora Zagorski (1890 - ?)67771890.09.23BirthNewborn babyMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_10_8_37655487.10
Anastasia Zagorski (1894 - ?)69191894.01.03BirthNewborn babyMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_10_68_37655473.03
Maria Chomik1894.01.03BirthNewborn's motherMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_10_68_37655473.03
Petrus Zagorski1894.01.03BirthNewborn's fatherMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_10_68_37655473.03
Maria Chomik1896.03.20BirthNewborn's motherMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_10_98_37655506.05
Paulus Zahirski (1896 - ?)70201896.03.20BirthNewborn babyMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_10_98_37655506.05
Petrus Zahirski1896.03.20BirthNewborn's fatherMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_10_98_37655506.05
Lucas Zahirsky (1898 - ?)71201898.10.29BirthNewborn babyMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_11_5_37655569.03
Maria Chomik1898.10.29BirthNewborn's motherMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_11_5_37655569.03
Petrus Zahirsky1898.10.29BirthNewborn's fatherMęcina Wielka12460_1149_0_-_11_5_37655569.03

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