SNUM: 721
Birth date: 1808.08.18
Baptism date: 1808.08.18
Birth place: Męcina Wielka
Birth house: 39
Death date: 1882.04.13
Death place: Rozdziele
Death house: 39
Death cause: incensio pulmonum
Death age: 74
Stephanus Młynar
Stephanus Młynaryk
Stephanus Młynarczyk
Stephanus Młynar(czyk)
Father: Theodorus Młynarik [3955] (1752 - 1820)
Mother: Anastasia Pyrz [3964] (1772 - 1830)
Anna Pregnar [1927] (1812 - ?) 1839.11.05
Petrus Młynar [3239] (1841 - 1841)
Joannes Młynar [3269] (1842 - 1845)
Jacobus Młynar [3354] (1845 - 1868)
Gregorius Młynar [3465] (1848 - 1892) (5 children)
Maria Młynar [3697] (1851 - 1852)
Rosalia Młynar [3718] (1854 - 1854)
Joannes Młynarczyk [3857] (1857 - 1858)
Maria Dziak [4289] (1784 - 1790)
Maria Młynarik [4290] (1785 - 1792)
Thomas Zak [14] (1786 - 1834) (9 children)
Anna Młynarik [268] (1795 - 1795)
Lucas Młynarik [275] (1796 - ?)
Theodosia Zak [652] (1803 - 1803)
Theodosia Zakowa [4292] (1804 - 1804)
Sawko Djak or Młynar [681] (1805 - ?)
Georgius Młynar [1135] (1811 - ?) (4 children)
Martha Mlinar [1198] (1815 - 1817)
Birth: 56_142_0_0_6924_00097.08
Marriage: 56_142_0_0_6925_00070.02
Death: 60_1149_0_-_7_47_37656280.25
Newborn's father: 56_142_0_0_6925_00140.04
Father of deceased: 56_142_0_0_6925_00213.06
Newborn's father: 56_142_0_0_6925_00143.08
Father of deceased: 56_142_0_0_6925_00216.11
Newborn's father: 56_142_0_0_6925_00156.03
Newborn's father: 56_142_0_0_6925_00298.03
Newborn's father: 56_142_0_0_6925_00397.03
Father of deceased: 56_142_0_0_6925_00410.03
Newborn's father: 56_142_0_0_6925_00400.04
Father of deceased: 56_142_0_0_6925_00412.12
Newborn's father: 56_142_0_0_6925_00440.02
Father of deceased: 56_142_0_0_6925_00461.13
Father of deceased: 60_1149_0_-_7_39_37656271.15
Groom's father: 60_1149_0_-_6_15_37656216.04
Groom's father: 60_1149_0_-_8_13_37656314.10
Newborn's paternal grandfather: 60_1149_0_-_8_45_37656349.10
Newborn's paternal grandfather: 60_1149_0_-_9_22_37656437.04
Newborn's paternal grandfather: 60_1149_0_-_9_85_37656506.03
Newborn's paternal grandfather: 60_1149_0_-_10_41_37655444.06
1 spouse 7 children
The house usually associated with this family is 29. Usually the maternal grandfather (3967) is Basilius Pyrz not Gregorius
House affiliations:
Year | House | Village | Role |
1808 | 39 | Męcina Wielka | Newborn baby |
1839 | 39 | Rozdziele | Groom |
1882 | 39 | Rozdziele | Deceased |
Year | Condition | Link to record |
1842 | agricola | 56_142_0_0_6925_00143.08 |
1845 | agricola | 56_142_0_0_6925_00156.03 |
1848 | agricola | 56_142_0_0_6925_00298.03 |
1854 | agricola | 56_142_0_0_6925_00400.04 |
1857 | agricola | 56_142_0_0_6925_00440.02 |
1858 | agricola | 56_142_0_0_6925_00461.13 |
1873 | agricola loci | 60_1149_0_-_6_15_37656216.04 |
1873 | agricola loci | 60_1149_0_-_8_13_37656314.10 |
1876 | agricola | 60_1149_0_-_8_45_37656349.10 |
1882 | agricola | 60_1149_0_-_7_47_37656280.25 |
1882 | agricola | 60_1149_0_-_9_22_37656437.04 |
1888 | agricola | 60_1149_0_-_9_85_37656506.03 |
1892 | agricola loci | 60_1149_0_-_10_41_37655444.06 |